Sustainable High Performance


This is our USP. No other leadership training institute in Scandinavia has the same approach to creating 

Sustainable High Performance as we do.

Integrated into programmes and workshops is a wide array of tools and methods to enable not just High Performance, but High Performance in a way that is Sustainable. We make sure people who are key to the organisation’s success become able to deliver on an even higher level than before, but with lowered stress impact on their systems.

Our Sustainable High Performance development is a three-pillar framework (Performance Nutrition, Performance Movement, Performance Recovery) resting in a cradle of Performance Mindset. The approach is simple to adopt and implement to individual needs and is backed with only hard facts and science.

our way of working


For our most demanding clients (we love them to bits and pieces) we offer a Data-driven solution for Sustainable High Performance.

This means that we tailor individual development advice/support to each participant or key person (eg. CEO, mgmt teams, top salespeople etc) - where the expectations and demands for performance of them are so high that the person’s Sustainable High Performance could be a killing factor for overall company performance. 

The datadriven solution for SHP consists of the standard approach for Sustainable High Performance, but with the addition of two elements - Blood or DNA sampling, and Heart Rate Variability monitoring.